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2022 Step Up to Lactation Leadership

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​This course includes 45 hours of lactation specific education designed to complement the lactation education you have already received to be eligible to apply for the IBCLC exam.

If you also need the required 5 hours of communication, you will need to purchase Marie’s Communication for Lactation Consultants course.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This course requires you to have access to the textbook, Counseling the Nursing Mother 7th edition.  At present, this text is NOT included in the purchase of the course.

You may purchase the 7th edition book from JB Learning with our coupon code and save 40% off the regular price. Click on the link below and use coupon code: MB2023. This coupon code expires 12/31/24.

JB Learning 7th edition Counseling the Nursing Mother

You may also purchase the text on Amazon using our affiliate link below or where books are sold.

Counseling the Nursing Mother 7th edition

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